A guide to understanding Searchify's supported query format

Example dataset

All the examples in this page use an index composed of the following documents:

    documentA = { 
        "text" : "Hello world. I'm the content of the 'text' field. It's 
                  the default field for queries.",
        "city" : "San Francisco, CA",
        "author" : "Java Power Coder"

    documentB = {
        "text" : "Good morning! The default field of this document contains 'tea'.",
        "city" : "London, UK",
        "author" : "World Class Developer"
    documentC = {
        "text" : "Goodbye world. This is the default field of the last document.",
        "city" : "San Diego, CA",
        "author" : "PHP Power Coder"

Basic Queries

There are two types of basic queries: Terms and Phrases. A Term is a single word such as "hello" or "world". For example:

will match:
will match:
documentA, documentC
Notice that documentB does not match, even when the field "author" contains world. See Specifying fields for queries for an explanation.

A Phrase is a group of words by double quotes such as "hello world". Documents matching phrase queries will contain the exact phrase.

For example:
"hello world"
will match:
"default field"
will match:
documentA, documentB, documentC

Specifying fields for queries

By default, all basic queries are executed against the text field of the indexed documents. It's possible to select a different field, by prefixing a basic query with a field name.

For example:
will match:
author:"power coder"
will match:
documentA, documentC

Boolean Operators

You can combine basic queries with Boolean operators to form a more complex query. Boolean operators define the relationships between Terms or Phrases. Searchify supports the following Boolean operators: AND, "+", OR, NOT and "-". Please note that Boolean operators must be all uppercase.

  • AND

This is the default operator. It will be used if there is no Boolean operator between two terms. For example:

default document
is the same as
default AND document
and will match:
documentB, documentC

  • OR

This operator makes its surrounding terms optional, but at least one must match the document. For example:

hello OR last
will match:
documentA, documentC

  • NOT

The NOT operator excludes documents that contain the term (or phrase) after NOT. For example:

world NOT content
will match:
world NOT "default field"
will match:
You can use the NOT operator several times in the same query. For example:
world NOT content NOT author:coder
will not match any document.
 # no documents matching 
Searchify DOES NOT support queries that ONLY have NOT terms.


The order in which you enter search terms does not effect your results. AND and OR operators have the same precedence and group from left to right. For example:
hello OR last
is the same as
last OR hello
and will match the same documents,
documentA, documentC
If you need to modify precedence for complex queries, you can use parentheses. For example:
(good AND world) OR author:power
will match:
documentA, documentC
good AND (world OR author:power)
will match:

Field Grouping

You can also use parentheses to specify the field only once.

For example:
author:(world class)
is the same as:
author:world author:class
and will match:

Term Weights (caret operator)

You can boost terms in a query by appending the caret operator at the end of a term. Example:

author:world^2 OR city:san^10
This will match all documents, and documentC will be the last result.

Wildcard/Prefix queries

You can perform "wildcard" or "prefix" queries using the '*' operator. For example:


This query will match all documents containing words beginning with the prefix 'goo' in the 'text' field. In this example, this query matches documentB and documentC, because documentB contains the word "Good" and documentC contains the word "Goodbye".